LRTimelapse versions

Enables keyframing and grading of time-lapse sequences
Jun 16, 2023
Jan 31, 2023
Nov 11, 2022
Aug 14, 2022
Feb 5, 2022
Jan 1, 2022
Nov 4, 2021
Sep 15, 2020
Sep 10, 2019
Feb 26, 2019
Feb 7, 2018
Dec 7, 2017
Jun 21, 2016
Mar 31, 2016
Jan 11, 2016
Oct 10, 2015
Aug 20, 2015
Jul 17, 2015
Jun 17, 2015
Apr 24, 2015
Jun 7, 2014
Apr 3, 2014
Nov 13, 2013
Aug 8, 2013
Mar 5, 2013
Dec 5, 2012
May 15, 2012

What's new

v5.5 [Sep 15, 2020]
- New button in Settings dialog Reset all settings. After clicking it, you will be asked for confirmation, then the LRTimelapse preferences will get reset to default values after a restart of the program.
- Once again I’ve had to exchange the Mac launcher. Background: without any reason, Apple refused to notarize the old and proven launcher that served us well for many years until LRT 5.4 (and would still be working perfectly today). But obviously Apple is king and therefore I had to spend many days trying to find an alternative launcher, which would run on all Macs. While most solutions worked on my personal Mac that I use for testing, they kept showing anomalies for some users and beta testers, which is really weird since you would normally expect something working the same way on the same OS especially if they even have the same version. There seems to be kind of a nasty randomness on that OS which is hard to master and which I’ve never experienced on Windows. Anyway. Now I’ve developed a fresh launcher on my own, which so far worked for all testers.
- Lookup of last selected folder on LRTimelapse startup is now asynchronous.
- Fixed Tooltip on CM icon.
- Added more logging events and information.

v5.3 [Sep 10, 2019]
- Runs on Java 11 now.
- Mac: uses native Menu bar now at the top of the screen.
- On some systems scrolling to the right folder on startup did not work as expected, if the preview panel was quite wide. Fixed.
- Render Dialog / Choose Dialog will now get the file structure updated when opened. The same goes for the folder trees in the import dialog and create composition dialog.
- Improved Hotkeys, they will now also work, when the preview window is detached and in focus.
- Added validation for folder name compliance in the “New folder from selection” dialog and in the “New folder” context menu in the import dialog.
- Importer will now skip hidden files like .DS_Store on the mac.
Auto transition:
- Auto transition will now be applied to the selected part of the sequence if more than 1 images are selected.
- When doing an auto transition, the smooth curve will now be reset and rebuild for the next deflicker or refine pass.
- Autotransition between two keyframes with same values will now connect those values linearly and prevent the auto transition algorithm of “overdoing” the curve.
Visual Previews:
- Creating the Visual previews will now play a “ding” sound, if more than 100 previews have been created. (if not deactivated in the settings).
- Improved remaining time display for visual preview creation, it will be more accurate now.
- Visual Previews remaining time indicator below the preview will now also show some info on smaller preview sizes, where it was previously hidden.
- In Visual Workflow now the green Smooth curve will only be showed, when the Visual Deflicker Button is activated.
- Compositions from TIFF sequences will now be exported as TIFF. Also 16bit Tiff Sequences are now supported for composite creation.
- Added taskbar progress indicator to the composition preview generation task.
- Creating Compositions failed in some situations, fixed.
- The last used folder in a composition will now be remembered independently from the render dialog.
- In some cases when using batch operations the “finished” flag of the current folder could get reset. Fixed.
- Improved progressbar for deflicker and multipass deflicker.
- Batch multipass deflicker did not respect the reference area, fixed.
- Batch multipass deflicker dialog could get stuck at 1 pass, fixed.
- Batch multipass deflicker could launch too many DNG converter instances on mac, fixed.
- Visual Preview batch generation would launch too many dng converter instances on mac on subsequent runs. Fixed.
- Batch Multipass-Deflicker on a Parent folder now also offers to apply the batch operation to all subfolders (as it already worked witht Batch Initialize etc.).
- The confirm dialog for multiple folder batch operations will now display the subfolders which will be processed.
- Timestamp Overlay now works correctly also for different “Speed” settings than regular speed.
- Added display of the resulting video length to the render dialog. This will consider the number of images, the speed setting and the fps.
- Render color space was not restored from saved settings, fixed.
Additional Fixes:
- Clear all LRT Editing on the current folder didn’t remove the deflicker and holy grail adjustments. Fixed.
- On few machines LRT crashed on startup with java.lang.NullPointerException, fixed.
- Fixed localization of “Create Preview” in the Composition dialog.
- German: renamed “Überlagerung” into “Komposition” to match the other languages, where it is also “Composition”.
- Fixed Radiobutton hover icon in Composition dialog.
- Fixed performance lag in table and when scrubbing though the preview.

v5.2 [Feb 26, 2019]
- The importer will now skip .dat index files which for example the Nikon Z7 and Z6 create instead of putting them into a “MISC” folder.
- In “Visual Preview” mode the keyframe indicators in the preview sometimes were hardly visible. The keyframes are now being displayed more opaque, just like in the camera previews mode.
- Improved visibility for the visual-preview-creationstatus bar (below the visual previews) on high-dpi displays.
- Normally, for sequences shot in A-Mode, the Holy Grail Wizard is deactivated, because such sequences normally come rather smooth from the camera (most cameras do smoothing in A-Mode, but still write discrete values into EXIF). In such cases the HG-Wizard would do more harm than good, because it would calculate compensations for “steps” that are not there.
- However, there seem to be cameras that do not smooth in A-Mode, therefore I’ve added a Button to the Keyframes-Wizard which will allow to force the Holy Grail Keyframe creation. The button will only appear for sequences shot in A-Mode.
- Redesigned the plus/minus buttons next to the slider controls.
- Added Alt-Q as additional shortcut to exit the application.
- Added a “Delete Holy Grail adjustments” button to the toolbar above the table next to “Delete Deflicker” to delete the holy grail adjustments, if necessary.
- Any parameter of the LRTimelapse user.props file can now be passed as commandline parameter. To have define a certain start path for example, you could launch LRTimelapse with
- LRTimelapse(.exe) path=C:\temp. You can also pass multiple parameters: for example to have LRTimelapse launch at the top left corner of your screen, regardless on how you left off, just use LRTimelapse screenposx1=0 screenposx2=0. Please note, that you might have to use quotation marks, like LRTimelapse "C:\temp", depending on your platform and starting method.
- Increased the range for the Rotate slider in the Holy Grail Wizard.
- Sometimes LRTimelapse did not start with the folder tree at the position where it was closed. Fixed.
- Creating a new folder from the import dialog did not refresh the folder tree, fixed.
- With an UI Scaling of 2.0, the Keyframes Wizard was cut at the bottom, fixed.

v4.7 [Jun 21, 2016]
Visual previews
Visual deflicker
Automatic corrections
Support for Lightroom 6 / Lightroom CC
Easier transitions
Previews and snapshots handling.

v4.5 [Jan 11, 2016]
Fixed Auto Transition on a few, very special mac environments
When multi-selecting folder in the export dialog, the scrollbar always jumped to the first selected folder after selecting an additional one, fixed
Scrollbars of folder choosers will now initially stay on the left
Small fixes in Spanish translation

v4.4 [Oct 10, 2015]
New Option in the Render Dialog to open an Explorer/Finder with the created video being selected. This makes it easier to spot the finished video after it’s done.
LRT Pro: When you change a folder while still generating visual previews, you will be asked now, if you want to finish this task as a background task. This allows to continue with the next sequence, while the visual previews of the current one will still be generated in background. This is a huge time saver, when working with lots of sequences.
Added lower and higher aperture values for lens tagging, some users use those to simulate ND-filter removals or additions in order to be able to use the Holy Grail Wizard properly with those.

v4.3 [Aug 20, 2015]
Fixed problem with simultaneous exports via LRTExport – sometimes when the first part finished, the others were aborted too – this is a major improvement to the stability of the LRTExport plugin if you work with multiple exports in parallel.
LRTExport now transfers Exif-Data like Date-Time-Original to the LRT_ intermediary sequences – this was a user requests.
Automatically generated filenames by the render module sometimes did not reflect the resolution substring correctly, this has been fixed.
Outdated Visual Previews will now be refreshed immediately without first loading the outdated ones, this will save some time when working with the Visual Previews and Visual Deflicker
The “Create Visual Previews” batch operation can now be aborted.
Create Visual Previews Batch operation will now take care of outdated XMPs and redo the development for them.
Improved importer: processes can now be cancelled, better multitasking.
UI: Added “Set Crop Keyframe (*****)” to Main Menu and Popup Menu.
Renderer could fail when exporting and rendering in original size and the pixel dimensions were not multiples of 8, fixed. Now such sizes will be automatically rounded.
When working with incompatible XMP versions (LR3 mode), the Autotransition would crash, fixed. Like I already announced, the support for Lightroom 3 will be ended with the next major version of LRTimelapse (LRT5) “Flat” DNG-Files, that means DNGs made from JPG or TIFF files, would not animate the WB, fixed.

v3.4 [Jun 7, 2014]
- Improved Holy Grail Wizard to achieve better initial matching of 2*/3* keyframes even in difficult situations.
- Fixed obsolete transferring of metadata when loading sequence
- Virtual brightness curve (cyan) sometimes did not draw properly scaled.
- Move images/folders remembers last move-to directory and offers that as default
- When "creating new folder from selection" the option to add a date/time prefix had disappeared, added it back.
- Double click on slider labels will now reset the slider value like in Lightroom.
- Fixed Holy Grail Matching bug with very close keyframes
- When a sequence had too many keyframes it would be treated as shot in A-Mode not matter what, so a Holy Gral-Workflow was not possible. Now a question dialog appears.
- Added update of directory chooser when moving files, creating new folder or renaming a folder
- Renaming a folder was not possible, when no sequence was loaded.
- The task currently running could not be cancelled via the x-button.
DNG's from TIFF/JPGs were initialized as RAW files by LRTimelapse, Lightroom then did reset the white balance. Now those DNGs are treated like JPGs with relative White Balance settings. If you have those sequences, please clear all metadata (Ctrl/Cmd-o) then reinitilize. WB/Tine(rel) values will then be proberly initialized.
- "Create other keyframes" sometimes missed to create a keyframe when the destination image already had one of another type. When using Holy-Grail sequences with lots of adjustments (for example when working with DslrDashboard) - some times it could be hard to automatically create the 4* keyframes for color adjustments. Now the algorithm tries to find a suitable free space to create the 4* keyframe.
- The 4* Keyframes are now being visualized on the virtual curve as well for better visibility.
- Using HG-Wizard won't change existing 4* keyframes in simple 1* ones anymore.
- Fixed: Sometimes changing a directory stopped a recently launched render task.

v2.3 [Mar 5, 2013]
- "New folder from selection"-Feature will now move already generated previews as well to save time.
- Fixed: "New folder from selection" reported an error if no XMP file was found despite of having moved everything correctly.
- Fixed: On few mac systems there could occur conflicts with other programs using the adobe xmp library. This could lead to LRTimelapse not being able to initialize the sequences.

Alternative downloads

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